Friday, June 10, 2011

I've forgotten to blog again!

Day unknown, murky in the deep sea.

Right, it has been a really looooong time since I last clicked on these protruding square thing imprinted with letters on this dusty keyboard. Yes, I have ditched the Pentium as it was old and unwell and a little looney for this not-so-new Apple iMac. Wish I can photograph this Mac of mine here to show you but the camera is unreachable at the moment.

Here's a duplicate version of the iMac that I have (it looks very similar, like they are twins)!
Do you like it? It's one of the most beautifullest computer that I have in history. Weeeeee!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Sotonghon CNY angpao ver.2

Day 32, watery in the deep sea.

Woke up at 3.33am for meditation, enlightenment and inspiration. After that, I made breakfast and ate quietly by the door. 2 minutes later, my eyes wandered to the door's woody frame and rested upon the brown-painted crooked nail. *Blink* an inspiration!

The Pentium was a little grumpy due to lack of love. I gave it a little hug and started designing a newer version of the angpao - with brown paper, Pantone 812U and black. I wanted to show it to my cat but it's in hiding.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Sotonghoon CNY angpao ver.1

Day 30, slippery in the deep sea.

Trained the entire yesterday and the outcome was quite horrendous. I had 10 sore fingers, a headache and a pair of really tired eyes. However, I had a first hands-on experience with Adobe Illustrator CS today and roughly created the 1st Sotonghoon CNY angpao packet. Somehow, it's just not quite right yet. I showed the design to my cat and it vomited tuna.

The training begins

Day 29, cloudy in the deep sea.

The Adobe Illustrator CS was a piece of cake! I read everything in the e-book and just have to master these 5 steps to become a pro.

Pick 10,000 ripe cherries with wooden chopsticks. Duration: 10 hours.

Select perfect-looking grapes and make the best sparkling grape juice ever. Duration: 5 hours.

Create numerous rainbows and learn the colours. Duration: 5 hours.

In order to obtain inspiration, one has to meditate under an apple tree. Duration: 3 hours.

Every warrior has a weapon. It's the same as being a pro Illustrator. Select your favourite mouse and personalise it. Duration: 1 hour. [Note: Bling blings are nice but not entirely practical, try adding a layer of sponge to give it a comfortable grip]

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Adobe Illustrator CS for dummies

Day 28, thunderstorm in the deep sea.

Today is bread day. I made my very own loaf of bread and my cat thinks it's okay. Feeling extremely pleased with myself, I went to town and tried to sell my recipe for some gold but somehow it didn't work well. Perhaps my marketing skill hasn't reach the expert level.

I was still pondering over the matter when suddenly my friend screamed. I hurried over to my secret hiding place when she yelled at me to stop moving and to go to her. There, she showed me the Pentium 2's inbox. I saw about 100 emails from Tidur-everyday, urging me to create the angpao packets!!! Without much thinking, I downloaded an e-book titled "Adobe Illustrator CS for dummies".

Monday, December 14, 2009

Burnt rice

Day 13, warm in the deep sea.

I was perfecting my rice boiling when my Korean friend named I-See came up to give me a nudge.

She mumbled that I have an urgent email from someone. So I left my 1032 biji of rice to mind itself and hurried over to the Pentium 2. Upon clicking on the keyboard, I realised that the email was from Tidur-everyday. It seems that this person wanted me to create some Chinese New Year angpao packets, yet it has to be environmental-friendly. So I replied "ok" for fun and clicked on the tiny "send" button.

I went back to my rice and they looked burnt because the colour is now black. This is what happens when I boil rice in a pot. Since I'm patient, I will try again. This will be my 7th attempt.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

My mobile rang

Day 12, stuffy in the deep sea.

I think my mobile is ringing and I can't find it. [After 19 minutes]

The phone was in my pocket. Gosh.
I didn't think that anybody would call but someone just did. It was my old friend. She spoke in a dull tone and it seems that she wanted me to say HELLO to her, which I did. After 2 minutes, she hung up.

Well, it was great to hear a familiar voice in a strange and foreign place such as Auckyland. It did lighten my day, and I think I'll visit the zoo right now.